About Us: The Wayne Stinchcomb Big Orange Melanoma Foundation was founded in Baltimore Maryland in 2010 in response to the death of our friend Wayne Stinchcomb. The Big Orange Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors comprised of friends of Wayne Stinchcomb and community members committed to raising awareness and supporting melanoma research.
Our Mission: The Big Orange Foundation is a community-based, voluntary organization dedicated to raising melanoma awareness and generating donations for IRS registered charities that directly support research.
Vision: The Big Orange Foundation seeks to maintain viability and grow as a philanthropic organization to raise money for melanoma research.
Melanoma Research Alliance
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, and it is one of the cancers whose incidence is increasing fastest in this country. In 2007, melanoma touched the lives of Debra and Leon Black when Debra was diagnosed with the disease. With melanoma incidence rising dramatically and survival for those with advanced disease remaining static at less than 15 percent, the Black's formed the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) under the auspices of the Milken Institute. Thanks to their generous ongoing support, all public donations to MRA go directly to melanoma research. Our ultimate goal is to find a cure by funding the most promising melanoma research worldwide that will accelerate progress and improve outcomes for patients and all who are at risk.

2022 Donation to MRA
As of December 31, 2022 we have raised a total of $445,000 for Melanoma Research Alliance!
Thank you to all the supporters who make this happen!